
Facebook Invites More Comment on Policy Changes - fieldsbespoormsed

Facebook began notifying some of its members Fri night that it is reopening the comment period for changes in its Statement of Rights and Responsibilities (SRR).

In a message sent to more 2000 members WHO "likeable" the Facebook Site Brass Page, where the social network Fields comments about the SRR changes, the social network said:

"Based on your feedback, today we announced new revisions to the proposed changes to the SRR. Even where we did not build revisions, we birth provided an explanation of the original change. We've re-opened the comment period for the new proposed SRR to provide you with another opportunity to review the proposed changes and give the States feedback before we finalize them."

Members have until April 27 to comment on the latest rendering of the SRR.

One of the recent changes to the SRR strikes a section of the document that could have been interpreted as empowering Facebook to block the use of the service by selected users or activists. Those changes [PDF] provided that:

"Some surgery all of Facebook's services and features whitethorn not be available to users in sure earth science areas.  We taciturnity the just to exclude surgery limit the provision of any service or have in our sole discretion."

Facebook said it is scrapping the section founded on comments from its members. "Later on reviewing your comments to this planned language, we definite that the additional provision we proposed was open to misinterpretation," it explains. "The proposed change was planned to cover circumstances that May prevent us from providing our services. For instance, the Internet May go down, certain features may not be available in some locations, or a government whitethorn block off our service in their country."

In improver to asking for more comments on its SRR, Facebook also took the chance to address criticisms of the previous draft of the document.

For instance, one critic said changes in the SRR were designed to allow Facebook to expand its data collection activities from its members. Facebook aforesaid that isn't and then. How IT collects and uses information is governed by its Data Utilisation Policy, which isn't dynamic at this time.

It's easy to understand how people can be confused by Facebook's moves. Throughout the SRR, all references to "privateness policy" — the former name for the Data Use Policy — were changed to Information Use Insurance. That made some commenters believe that the SRR and Data Use Policy were the same text file.

Replacing "privacy insurance policy" with "data use insurance policy" in the SRR was cooked to make the SRR consistent with the Data Use Policy, which was renamed in September 2011, Facebook explains.

The SRR was also rapped for allowing a member's friends to share the member's information with apps used by the friends. Facebook says that change, too, was ready-made to make the SRR gybe with the Information Habituate Policy which, since 2007 has read:

"If you, your friends, or members of your network enjoyment any third-party applications developed using the Facebook Political program…those Platform Applications May access and divvy up predestinate selective information about you with others in accordance with your privacy settings."

Facebook adds that users can control how their data is shared with apps. However, it entails hunting through privacy controls and making "granular" changes to an account.

Provisions on tagging Facebook members in photos are also being altered in the SRR. Facebook is removing a prohibition against tagging members who don't want to be labelled and replacing it with a notification that the social network "offers social reportage tools to enable users to provide feedback about tagging."

The in the beginning version of the revised SRR elicited many comments from members on a issue of topics unrelated to the SRR itself, including their distaste on the network's Timeline redesign. Information technology also required Facebook to give members a vote along proposed changes in the SRR if more than 7000 of them posted a comment connected the changes. That's been changed to produce obtaining a vote more difficult:

"If more 7000 users post a substantive annotate on a particular proposed alter, we will also give you the opportunity to participate in a vote in which you leave be provided alternatives."

Trace freelance applied science writer John P. Mello Jr. and Nowadays@PCWorld along Twitter.


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