
What Animal Is An Infp Most Like

INFP Personality Type Title Image

Dr. A.J. Drenth

The INFP personality type is artistic, quirky, humane, and individualistic. Like the INFJ, INFPs want to understand who they are and their purpose in the globe. Curious and restless, they savor entertaining new ideas and possibilities. They are rarely content with "what is," preferring instead to focus their sights on "what could be." This, combined with their stiff idealism, tin can engender a sort of "grass is greener" mentality.

INFPs are among the nigh open-minded (and open-hearted) of the personality types. While non to quite the same extent as the ENFP, they bring an experimental attitude to life as they explore a diversity of ideas, lifestyles, and experiences. In each new feel, INFPs run into an opportunity to not only learn virtually the world, merely about themselves and their life'southward purpose.

Their curiosity about the world, including its potential role in clarifying their identity, can inspire INFPs to travel or adopt a peripatetic lifestyle. They may, for instance, choose to explore other cultures, live out of a vehicle, or have to the woods. As long every bit these sorts of explorations feel stimulating and life-giving, INFPs will keep to explore them, even amid pressures to comprehend a more conventional path.

Jon Krakauer'due south captivating book, later turned movie, Into the Wild, details the life one such INFP seeker, Chris McCandless. McCandless was academically gifted and a recent college graduate. While others assumed he would forge a path of worldly success, McCandless had others aspirations. Something seemed to be missing from his life and from the conventional lives of those effectually him, that he felt he needed to pursue and sympathise. And so instead of heading off to college, he sold most of his possessions and embarked on a life of exploration, culminating in a journey deep into the Alaskan wilderness.

Perhaps even more familiar is the account of another INFP, Henry David Thoreau, which nosotros find in his classic work, Walden. Like McCandless, Thoreau was unimpressed past conventional life and dreamed of something more: "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to confront simply the essential facts of life… and non, when it came to die, find that I had not lived."

Similar Thoreau and McCandless, INFPs seek a life of passion and intensity. They want to know what information technology means to be fully alive and how they might cultivate a rich and arable life. They gravitate toward experiences that arouse or intensify feelings of passion, inspiration, or meaning. They may plough to relationships, novels, poetry, music, travel, or activism to achieve their desired level of intensity. In my postal service on INFP relationships, I explore how INFPs can quickly feel restless and dissatisfied when the passion or intrigue wanes.

INFPs' seeking impetus is informed and perpetuated by their critical observations of club and civilization. They oftentimes see themselves as characteristically dissimilar from, or at odds with, their surrounding culture, sometimes feeling like outsiders or misfits. They can be wary of "conventional wisdom" and societal prescriptions, preferring instead to forge their own unique path.

Amassing wealth or fabric goods is rarely high on INFPs' priority list. Money is valued only to the extent that it furnishes the time and freedom to explore their deepest passions. Considering the relative unimportance of cloth niceties to INFPs, the idea of performing uninspiring work for the sake of a paycheck is invariably off-putting to them. Consequently, they, non unlike INTPs, often prefer a minimalist lifestyle, hoping this will translate into less fourth dimension spent performing uninteresting work.

Equally INFPs continue in their search for cocky, they eventually stumble onto something that deeply moves or inspires them. They may even feel they've finally constitute what they have been looking for. But more often than not, their enthusiasm is short-lived, one time the novelty of their new discovery has worn off. Over time, this can become frustrating or demoralizing for INFPs, since they so desperately desire to discover themselves. They don't desire to remain seekers forever. They want know to know their mission in life. They desire their seeking efforts to culminate in a sense of conviction and direction for their lives.

With that said, information technology would be wrong to pretend that INFPs don't also discover the seeker's journey deeply meaningful and enjoyable. Whether they admit it or not, their seeking is at least as much virtually the journeying as it is the destination. Only information technology is also true that they wouldn't be seeking, at least not with such vigor and zeal, without an predictable payoff. Hence, they may resist notions like "just relax and savour the journey" because the imagined destination, that ever-elusive Holy Grail, imbues their actions with greater significant, urgency, and intensity.

As explained in our INFP careers postal service, INFPs can be fatigued to all sorts of artistic endeavors—moving picture, photography, poetry, music, theater, fiction writing, the fine arts, so on. Others may opt for careers that inspire their inferior part, Extraverted Thinking (Te), such equally science, computers, engineering, constabulary, economics, etc. Regardless of how they start their career journey, many will continue to part equally seekers for years, fifty-fifty decades. They often find themselves almost inspired when working on their own personal projects, which let them to pursue their own interests with full freedom and authenticity. Many will dabble in freelancing while dreaming of the time when they can cut ties with their day job and pursue their passion on a full-fourth dimension ground.

INFP Personality Type Development & Functional Stack

Each personality blazon prefers to utilize four of the eight functions first described past Carl Jung. These four functions comprise its "functional stack." The relative force of preference for these four functions is expressed in the following way: dominant, auxiliary, tertiary, and inferior. INFPs' first preference is Fi, followed by Ne, Si, and Te respectively. This is depicted in the organisation of their functional stack:

INFP Functional Stack

Dominant: Introverted Feeling (Fi)

Auxiliary: Extraverted Intuition (Ne)

3rd: Introverted Sensing (Si)

Inferior: Extraverted Thinking (Te)

While we will soon talk over each of the above functions in greater depth, for now, we will turn our attention to another feature of INFPs' personality—their blazon development. Equally is true for all types, INFPs' type evolution consists of three phases. These phases roughly correspond to the ordering of the functional stack, with Fi beingness the offset role to blossom, Ne the second, on so on. Only as nosotros will see, the junior function is sort of a special example, commanding INFPs' attention at an earlier stage than might otherwise exist expected.

Phase I (Babyhood)

Phase I is characterized by the exploration and development of INFPs' dominant role, Introverted Feeling (Fi). Even as children, INFPs are often "highly sensitive persons" (HSPs). Sensitive to their own feelings, as well as those of others, they feel unsettled and anxious in conflictual situations. This may prompt them to seek refuge in fourth dimension alone, finding condolement in solitary activities such as daydreaming, reading, drawing, listening to music, etc. Hence, immature INFPs come to enjoy exploring their ain interests, free from external disruptions. In fourth dimension, they develop a unique sense of self through exploring their feelings (Fi) and imagination (Ne).

Phase Ii (Adolescence-30s)

Stage II involves additional development of their auxiliary function (Ne), as well as heightened polarity and conflict betwixt their dominant Fi and their inferior function, Extraverted Thinking (Te).

While INFPs do function equally seekers as children, in the sense of exploring the world through their feelings and imagination, their seeking tendencies (Ne) grow more intense and explicit equally they arroyo adulthood. This is prompted, at least to some extent, by concerns about adulthood, which cause them to remember more seriously about the trajectory of their lives.

Ne is INFPs' preferred extraverted function and one of the primary tools they utilise to explore the exterior world. These explorations may include things like dabbling in countercultures, experimenting with drugs, starting their own ring, travelling overseas, joining the Peace Corps, etc. Through these experiences, they hope to go a better sense of who they are and where they might fit into the world. Through this procedure of earth exploration (which is equally, if not more, about self-exploration) many INFPs volition either modify or function ways with the religious and political views they were raised with.

The liberal and explorative ways of Ne are checked and countered past INFPs' tertiary Si and inferior Te, which urge them to "be responsible" and follow a more traditional path. INFPs who heed this prompting volition function more conventionally (e.g., finish their caste, get a job, get married, etc.) and may look less like seekers. They may, withal, exist more tending to a mid-life identity crisis if they conclude that the path they chose was not authentically their own.

Maybe most commonly, Phase II INFPs feel themselves bouncing betwixt unconventional (Fi-Ne) and conventional (Si-Te) paths as they try to discern what works best for them. While other types must likewise observe a way of reconciling opposing forces inside themselves, INFPs (along with INTPs) tend to exist most enlightened that they are on a journey of self-discovery and self-development.

Stage Iii (30s, 40s, & Beyond)

Phase III represents the well-integrated personality. Co-ordinate to Elaine Schallock, integration occurs when the functional stack is consistently used in a "top-downward" fashion. By this she means that the functions are all-time prioritized and utilized in a dominant-auxiliary-third-inferior sequence. If used consistently over time, she suggests the meridian-downwardly approach will naturally consequence in greater evolution and integration of all the functions. In Schallock's view, "jumping the stack"—trying to appease or satisfy the inferior part directly or through diverse curt-cuts—is rarely a reliable or sustainable means to integration.

The first and probably most important pace for INFPs seeking integration is learning how to effectively and routinely transition into Ne perceiving. To understand why this is and then critical, we must recollect that Fi is not but an introverted function, just likewise a judging function (all the T and F functions are judging functions). Therefore, counterbalancing Fi requires both extraversion and perceiving. And this is precisely what Ne as an extraverted perceiving function can do for INFPs (refer to our volume, The xvi Personality Types, for more than on this).

Phase III INFPs develop a clearer sense of who they are and how to live authentically and effectively. This allows them to experience more safe, secure, and grounded in themselves as well as, if past some human activity of magic, in the earth.

INFPs' Dominant Function: Introverted Feeling

INFPs are deeply enlightened of and in bear on with their inner landscape. Their ascendant Fi is inwardly focused and proficient at evaluating and handling their personal tastes, values, and emotions. Because Fi is introverted in direction, INFPs process their emotions and experiences on a largely independent basis. With each new feeling, experience, or idea they evaluate, their sense of self becomes a little clearer. This was nicely enumerated by one of our blog readers:

My inner values and feelings (Fi) are like a building, a structure of affections that inform my worldview. This involves an inner beloved for sure things, and an inner repulsion for other things. My values and feelings form "blocks" of varying hardness, depending on how strongly I feel about them; the stronger ones are more resilient…I constantly discover more about the construction as I go, and what I should change to make information technology better. For example, I didn't take to factually discern a respect for homo nobility; I only plant myself in situations where people did not respect human dignity, and information technology fabricated me angry—I found out that I hate bullying.

By reflecting on the experiences of life, whether gleaned from fiction or real life, INFPs come to ameliorate understand themselves. Despite this journey toward deeper agreement, INFPs often feel that their self-agreement remains incomplete. They may yet feel they don't know themselves well plenty to wholeheartedly commit to a certain path in life. And they feel information technology is but through a more complete or definite self-understanding that they will exist capable of acting with full authenticity and conviction.

In addition to its office in shaping INFPs' self-understanding and identity, Fi can develop deep attachments and loyalties to sure externalities. INFPs are particularly prone to understand with and develop attachments to those unable to help or care for themselves—animals, children, the less fortunate, victims of injustice, etc. They tin can ofttimes be plant caring for the elderly, ill, disabled, and disenfranchised. Beast lovers to the core, they shower their pets with affection while as well showing deep business organisation for strays. If sufficiently moved or inspired, INFPs may besides take up a niche cause, such as garnering research funding for a rare affliction affecting a loved ane. Finally, many INFPs want (or volition eventually desire) their own children. Children tin serve as a reliable and rewarding lifelong investment for INFPs' love and attending.

Due to the introverted nature of Fi, INFPs' status as feelers is not always evident from without. When immersed in Fi, they tin seem a scrap cool, aloof, or indifferent. Jung, rarely i to mince words in his blazon descriptions, described the introverted feeler (i.e., IFPs) in the following way:

They are more often than not silent, inaccessible, hard to empathize; often they hide backside a childish or bland mask, and their temperament is inclined to melancholy…Their outward demeanor is harmonious, inconspicuous…with no desire to affect others, to impress, influence or change them in any fashion. If this is more pronounced, it arouses suspicion of indifference and coldness…Although there is a constant readiness for peaceful and harmonious co-being, strangers are shown no bear upon of amiability, no gleam of responsive warmth…It might seem on a superficial view that they have no feelings at all.

Of course, this sort of outer presentation belies what we know about INFPs' inner world, which is abundant with life and feeling. It is too true that many INFPs recoup for their lack of Extraverted Feeling (Fe) by invoking their auxiliary Ne. When wielding Ne, INFPs are more outwardly open up, receptive, quirky, and engaging.

INFPs' Auxiliary Function: Extraverted Intuition

Ne demands novelty. It craves new ideas, connections, and possibilities. It seeks to understand the world (and the self) through the lens of ideas. It therefore comes equally no surprise that Ne plays a prominent office in INFPs' search for self.

Among Ne'southward manifold talents is its knack for sniffing out intriguing possibilities. As we've seen, INFPs ordinarily presume the office of wanderer or seeker. Rarely practice they know exactly what they are seeking, which is largely why operating in Ne way tin can exist exhilarating. Ne can be associated with a sense of blind apprehension and expectation, of not knowing who or what will manifest side by side in ane's life journey. INFPs savor the sense of adventure, expectancy, and wonderment conferred by Ne. This is ane reason they enjoy traveling. The thought of exploring nature or dissimilar cultures feels rife with possibilities. A serendipitous encounter with a kindred spirit, the discovery of a life-irresolute book, finding inspiration through ancient art and architecture, such are the anticipated rewards of following Ne.

Ne can function either expressively or receptively. The verbal expression of Ne amounts to something like "brainstorming aloud." When speaking, INFPs may at times struggle to make their bespeak, as Ne bounces from ane idea or clan to the adjacent. Even ideas that seem inwardly cogent to the INFP may scatter when expressed, like a ray of light passing through a prism.

On a more positive note, INFPs oftentimes capitalize on the divergent and diversifying effects of Ne through inspired works of art or innovation. Whether they realize or not, INFPs are among the most profoundly creative of all types.

When operating receptively, Ne prompts INFPs to assemble information. It scans for new patterns, associations, and possibilities. INFPs normally exercise this side of their Ne through activities such every bit reading, inquiry, amusement, and chat with others.

In engaging with others, INFPs enjoy asking probing questions. They observe it interesting to explore the unique qualities of every individual, besides as the life story that explains or gives context to those characteristics. Hence, INFPs are typically viewed as skillful listeners as well as facilitators of conversation. Others sense and appreciate that the INFP is authentically interested in understanding them for who they are as individuals, and that they are doing so in a non-threatening and non-judgmental mode.

Similar INTPs, INFPs accept a love-hate relationship with their Ne. They relish the sense of wonder, curiosity, and anticipation it instills, as well as its creativity and openness. Without their Ne, they would not be the seekers and creatives that they are. But living with Ne is not without its challenges. For i, it can go far difficult for INFPs to make it at house conclusions or make important life decisions. It oftentimes seems that at the very moment they feel confident virtually a given conclusion or determination, Ne finds a way to inject doubt and doubtfulness. This tin be frustrating for INFPs who feel they are working then hard to find their rightful place in the world. At times, Ne may even cause them to worry that they have made no existent progress toward anything substantial, or worse, that they may never observe what they are looking for.

INFPs' 3rd Office: Introverted Sensing

Introverted Sensing (Si) is a conservative function. It engenders a concern and respect for the past—for what is routine, familiar, or traditional.

While INFPs may appreciate some corporeality of routine in their lives, such every bit devoting a sure time of mean solar day to creative piece of work, they are less inclined to wholeheartedly encompass traditions or conventions in the manner of SJ types. For INFPs, a total embrace of tradition can just emerge authentically after they explore it (and its alternatives) through the lens of Fi and Ne. Then even when a given tradition manages to laissez passer muster, it is simply after INFPs take personalized information technology and made it their own, interpreting information technology in a manner that resonates with their deepest values.

The influence of Si may besides be reflected in INFPs' attitudes toward money and material goods. INFPs are oft minimalists with respect to possessions. Many opt for rather simple living arrangements so they can devote more time and free energy to pursuing their true passions. This tendency toward material minimalism is oftentimes discernible in their style of dress and creative preferences. Namely, their approach ofttimes entails the creative reuse or recombination (Ne) of pre-existing resources (Si) to mode something new. In this spirit, many INFPs supply their wardrobes, homes, and art rooms with items from austerity shops, antiquarian stores, or garage sales.

An ofttimes overlooked feature of Si is its role in the perception of internal actual sensations—the trunk equally felt and experienced from within. Si can be associated with the raw and basic sense of "being" that exists apart from thought or outward stimuli. Historically, Eastern philosophical and religious traditions take led the way in exploring this domain of human feel through practices such as yoga, Tai-Chi, or meditation. Considering of INFPs' openness to new experiences (Ne), as well as their desire to explore the mind-body connection and enhance their sense of well-existence, many are drawn to these sorts of holistic practices (peculiarly yoga).

Finally, what may exist the most important benefit of Si for INFPs is its role in consolidating and recalling past experiences and life lessons. It tin therefore keep INFPs from repeating past mistakes and help them clarify their futurity direction. Exploring evidence from the by can instill greater confidence in who they are and what they care most, aiding the consolidation and crystallization of their self-concept.

INFPs' Inferior Function: Extraverted Thinking

Because the junior function operates on a largely unconscious level, all types struggle to sympathise and develop it. This function represents a strange and unfamiliar land, ane that is difficult to consistently access, which is why it is sometimes called the "lost" or "missing" part. It is often symbolized in dreams as something deep undercover, undersea, or in a nighttime forest.

Despite its relative unconsciousness, the psychospiritual importance of the junior function should not be underestimated. Indeed, this part plays a surprisingly influential role in the motivations and developmental trajectory of each personality blazon. Its sense of novelty and mystery can make information technology a powerful source of energy and motivation.

For INFPs, the allure of their inferior function, Extraverted Thinking (Te), is illustrated in their frequent attraction to characteristically T careers such as math, science, law, economics, computers, accounting, engineering, and the like. The most "left-brained" of all functions, Te can be associated with construction, organization, quantification, and the ability to manage T things, such as time and finances. The concerns of Te are myriad, spanning from the laws of physics, to country and federal laws, to workplace policies and procedures, to time management, to household organization.

Equally an extraverted judging function, Te also serves as a tool for verbally asserting, in a measured and deliberate way, 1'southward opinions and judgments. Dissimilar Extraverted Feeling (Fe), it is unemotional in its presentation, showing little variation in intonation or physical expression. At times, the measured and rational grapheme of Te may cause INFPs to be mistaken for thinking types.

While INFPs are frequently characterized as impractical and disorganized, this is not necessarily how they want to operate or see themselves. The truth is most INFPs like the idea of imposing some sort of order on their existence. They intuitively realize that external structure is to some extent necessary for them to alive happy and healthy lives. INFPs who are parents, for instance, quickly notice that information technology is difficult to develop an optimal parent-child relationship if their household environment fraught with chaos. Nonetheless, considering Te is not their natural force, they may struggle to maintain their preferred level of order and organization. Many report difficulty treatment logistical details, staying on top of their finances, organizing their homes and schedules, or developing / implementing constructive rules and modes of field of study for their children.

To be off-white, many INFPs practise a decent job handling a limited subset of their Te affairs. They may, for case, manage to maintain an organized workstation or detect ways of being more punctual. These "small wins" tin can give them the sense that at to the lowest degree part of their lives is under control. However, when faced with a host of Te demands, they tin can quickly first to feel overwhelmed. Thus, when taken as a whole, navigating Te matters is apt to exist an ongoing source of challenge for this personality type.

If you desire to learn more about INFPs, you've come to the right identify. We accept written extensively most the intuitive (N) personality types and about INFPs in particular. Nosotros've also developed an online class—Finding Your Path equally an INFP, INTP, ENFP or ENTP—to assistance you proceeds clarity in your personality, life purpose, relationships, career path and more:

Find Your Path Course Image

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Famous / Glory INFPs:

Jean Jacques Rousseau, Henry David Thoreau, Camus, C.S. Lewis, Virginia Woolf, William Blake, Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard, John Lennon, Bob Dylan, Luke Skywalker, Rupert Sheldrake, Beck, Kurt Cobain, Donovan, Elizabeth Gilbert, Bruce Van Horn, Susan Cain, John Legend, Elizabeth Warren

*This INFP profile may also resonate with Enneagram Fours (4w3, 4w5) or Nines (9w8, 9w1).


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